Effective July 1, 2011, I officially started my diet. The only diet that has ever worked for me is "low carb" and I am a fan of Dr. Atkins, may he rest in peace. I am now five weeks into it, and have lost 15.5 pounds! Already my clothes are fitting better and I am experiencing a noticeable reduction in leg/knee/ankle pain. As I mentioned in a previous chapter, for every pound lost it is like taking five pounds off my ankle, so the motivation is there! Never mind that I am looking less puffy and more svelte every day! (But I still gotta wonder out loud WHY my right hip is more chubbily padded than my left...you'd think it would be the other way around.) If anyone is interested in jumping on the low carb bandwagon, come on aboard! Drop me a line and we can help each other figure out what to do with a pound of hamburger....
In other news, I wore out a pair of tennis shoes recently. The reason this is an event is that I wore the soles out evenly. No more dragging-left-foot-limp!